February 12, 2023

The Top 6 Crypto Marketing Agencies

Blockchains like Bitcoin, Crypto coins like Ether, crypto exchanges, NFTs, all these words pop to mind first when the term cryptocurrency is mentioned. Surprisingly, these words aren’t common solely because of the big media firms like New York Times or Bloomberg; others helped make it happen. Sadly, these others are the crucial unsung heroes In the crypto world who deserve more airplay than they get. They are the crypto marketing Agencies. Their sole goal is to ensure all the terms people are used to with the crypto world stay etched in mind. And some of them have done a tremendous job; they deserve to be a household name when it comes to the world of cryptocurrencies. Below are the top 5 crypto marketing agencies.


A key player in the crypto marketing agency scene, cryptopr is one of the original public relations and advisory platforms that specialize in the blockchain. It has built up its business to the point that it presently represents firms worth millions of US dollars globally.

The platform can stand out thanks to its support of a wide variety of languages. Publications and press releases are available in at least 9 languages, key ones being English, Arabic, and French. Such wide lingua support has made it clinch collaborations with several key news sites. Two notable ones are Yahoo! Finance and MarketWatch, key mainstream stocks markets and finance news providers.

The marketing agency also boasts of strong partnerships within the crypto world. Top names like Binance, eToro, and DeFi Coins are among the many large crypto names the platform partners with.

Cryptopr has also attempted to go a step beyond its competitors by adding DeFi projects to its PR services. Most of its competitors focus almost entirely on cryptocurrencies. It has earned a Trustpilot rating of 4.4.


One of the world’s leading crypto marketing agencies goes by the name Cryptoadventure. The platform hosts a wide array of articles about virtually any key information one may seek regarding cryptocurrencies.

The platform boasts hundreds of articles written by a diverse number of writers, giving different and broad perspectives. The articles are also very informative, starting with beginners guides suitable for those looking into cryptos for the first time. Such articles are crucial in generating interest in the blockchain world for newer readers.

There are more complex project reviews that generate interest in clients’ sites. On the other hand, insights are helpful to seasoned crypto traders, giving them tips and tricks of the trade. Crypto firms can also advertise directly on the platform by giving hints on how topics can be structured.

Cryptoadventures boasts of big-name partnerships in the crypto world. A few notable ones are Mycontainer, shrimpy, and coinomi.

To better stand out, Cryptoadventure recently rebranded by moving to a new site. It features a slick user interface with an easier-to-navigate platform. It has a Trustpilot rating of 4.1.


Started in November 2016, Coinzilla is a crypto promotion and advertisement platform created by the Sevio company. It stands out as one of the leading crypto marketing agencies thanks to its advanced supporting features.

One of these features is its enabled anti-fraud component that is crucial to crypto projects marketing their projects. The component screens out fake traffic to ensure genuine viewership numbers for the projects.

The platform boasts an edge in the campaign sector. Its live campaign tracker gives project creators the ability to track sales, leads, and live impressions. The rate of approval for campaigns is also the fastest in the crypto ad world.

The Coinzilla marketplace is also good at directing traffic to projects through its press releases, posts by publishers as guests, and advertorials. At the same time, clients can manage all press releases on a single platform. The platform is firmly a top 5 player in the crypto marketing world with such diverse features and benefits.

Ninja Promo

Ninja Promo is a US-based marketing and PR agency that was established in 2017 and quickly developed into an industry-leading crypto marketing agency. Initially, the company was operating in the US only. However, it quickly expanded its services globally, opening another office in Lithuania to better accommodate its European clients.

Ninja Promo relies on a professional team consisting of experts in cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and influencer marketing. The agency’s offer comprises everything from digital marketing to social media management, paid social advertising, content creation, blockchain, and mobile app development.

The company relies on its extensive reach in social media to build brand awareness quickly and effectively. New projects can use the agency’s influencers to distribute SEO-friendly content worldwide and gain traction from the early development stages.

Ninja Promo has already helped a few household names in the crypto industry gain more popularity. The agency’s portfolio includes prestigious brands like Fantom, Nexus, Diversify, PayPolitan, and OKLet’sPlay.

Lastly, Ninja Promo aims to get and stay ahead of the competition with innovative services, helping its clients think outside the box. For instance, they provide thought leadership, video marketing, and PR & outreach.


One of the crypto marketing agencies taking the market by storm is ICODA. The secret to its aggressive market penetration has been its scrutinized view of the prevailing condition within the crypto marketing agency circle. In its opinion, inadequate market tools, improper token promotion, and unsatisfactory data collection hinder the industry. ICODA believes it is the key to changing these norms.

To solve these problems, the firm utilizes YouTube influencers as part of its marketing tools. It also includes the process of efficiently making IEOs, as part of its marketing goodies for clients. The marketing process is also available in Korean, Russian, and Chinese, in addition to English. All these are in addition to the normal crypto PR.

Proper token promotion is captured in the platform’s policy of enabling the creation and promotion of DeFi projects. It has also partnered with CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko to list tokens that seek its services.

As for unsatisfactory data collection, ICODA helps do in-depth analytical reviews and development of clients’ whitepapers. The step helps capture all the projects’ needs and goals in a comprehensive manner. A customized blockchain and smart contracts development process create better data available to both ICODA and its clients.

Melrose PR

The Melrose PR marketing agency is an old name in the game that has positioned itself in a leading position. It is well-known that projects working with the firm benefit from its respectable name to enjoy widespread coverage. Nothing guarantees the authenticity of a crypto marketing platform as good media coverage, even for new blockchain projects.

Some of the features on offer leading to the firm’s impeccable record include its advisory services for ICOs. Projects get to learn when to time their offerings to make the best gains.

Melrose offers a blog, social media, and crypto telegram management for its clients. Projects, in turn, get to enjoy in-house solutions to their various social platforms. In addition, the projects enjoy community management and getting identity and branding services from the platform.

As can be deduced, there is a heavy emphasis on ensuring a project is best placed to land on its feet when it goes mainstream. It guarantees Melrose as a leading and highly recommended crypto marketing agent.

Take Away

The services offered by the aforementioned five are done in-depth, making them an excellent bet to get one’s crypto project known. That does not take credit away from other outstanding marketing platforms such as this article’s host, CryptoVirally.

The firm provides excellent project reviews that influence traffic to projects in a major way. It also offers press releases, an ask-me-anything session, project awareness creation, community management, exchange listing integration and good marketing. Its content and viral marketing, graphics and branding development, website audit, YouTube services, and video creation make for a comprehensive marketing system. It surely deserves a place where the top crypto marketing agency league is concerned.

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