Privacy Policy

User Agreement

This agreement shall govern participation in the CryptoVirally program. By using the CryptoVirally website and/or platform, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

The term ‘user’ will refer to any individual or entity who accepts the Terms and Conditions of this agreement by registering. CryptoVirally is a product developed by BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL

CryptoVirally reserves the right to choose whether or not to accept a user to use its services.

CryptoVirally might request access to your Google Analytics account, in order to verify the quality and authenticity of your traffic, if we have reasons to believe your data is fraudulent.

CryptoVirally Marketplace – Advertisers

All the articles purchased through CryptoVirally Marketplace are guaranteed to remain live on the publisher’s website for an indefinite period. However, the publisher will be allowed to remove the article if:

  1. The advertiser’s project was proven to be a scam;
  2. The advertiser’s project is no longer active;
  3. The advertiser changed his domain of activity, and the content is no longer reflecting the current activity of the advertiser.

If any of the aforementioned conditions are met and the publisher deletes the sponsored content, CryptoVirally is in no way responsible and a refund will not be possible.

If the sponsored content was deleted by the publisher without a valid reason, the advertiser will receive a refund for that article, dependent on the initial deal established.

CryptoVirally Marketplace – Publishers

If a publisher deletes a sponsored article delivered to his website through the CryptoVirally Marketplace service, he is required to notify CryptoVirally in regard to the deletion, as well as the reason behind the decision.

If the publisher does not provide a valid reason for deleting the article, he will be required to fully refund the cost of the said article to CryptoVirally. Valid reasons for article deletion include:

  1. The advertiser’s project was proven to be a scam;
  2. The advertiser’s project is no longer active;
  3. The advertiser changed his domain of activity and the content is no longer reflecting the current activity of the advertiser.

If the publisher does not refund the cost of the article he deleted, his CryptoVirally Marketplace account will be locked, and the restrictions may extend to his CryptoVirally Display account as well.

Data Reporting (Stats)

All campaigns on CryptoVirally are served, tracked, and reported by CryptoVirally. For campaigns that involve third-party serving/tracking, accounting may be beyond CryptoVirally’s control.

The data generated by a campaign will only be available for 1 year. After that, the data will be automatically deleted from your account. The user is solely responsible for downloading and saving that data, if he wishes to do so.


All advertising rates are prone to changes, at any given time. We recommend to continuously check the price before making a payment.

Representations and Warranties

Customer hereby indemnifies and holds harmless BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL and the publishers (including their successors, directors, officers, employees, agents, assigns) from and against all claims, loss, liability, damage, and expense of any nature (including attorneys’ reasonable fees), in connection with the advertisement URL and its linked websites, for any actual or alleged breach of any term of this agreement.


In no event shall either party be liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits arising thereunder or from the provision of services.

Official Communication Channels

Customers can discuss details or ask questions about the services (procured or not) from BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL (CryptoVirally) through our official communication channels, which include email and Telegram.

Specifics regarding any services (procured or not) will be clarified either via email at [email protected] or through our official Telegram ID @CryptoVirally.

Our dedicated account managers can provide further clarity via their personal Telegram IDs. However, all personal Telegram IDs provided by our account managers will be confirmed first via email or via the above-specified official Telegram ID (@CryptoVirally).

We encourage our customers to utilize these official channels for prompt and efficient communication regarding any inquiries or concerns.

We consistently urge our customers to exercise caution and refrain from sharing, disclosing, or providing personal information, including details related to orders or projects, with any contacts other than those specified above.

Proof of Service Delivery

Every digital marketing or publicity service you purchase from us will be conclusively delivered in a digital format.

This can be sent to the customer through an email, a direct Telegram message, or by providing a comprehensive report, file, or link as proof of our service fulfillment.

Our commitment is to ensure transparency and reliability in delivering the services you have engaged with us.

Should you have any inquiries regarding the delivery of our services or require further clarification on the proof of delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us through our official communication channels.

Limitation of Liability

Neither BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL nor the participating sites will be subjected to any liability whatsoever for (a) any failure to provide reference or access to all or any part of the advertised URL, due to systems failures or other technological failures of BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL or of the Internet; (b) delays in delivery and/or non-delivery of a campaign, including, without limitation, difficulties with a publisher or website, difficulties with a third-party server, or electronic malfunction; and (c) errors in content or omissions in any advertised URL provided by the customer.

(!) BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL reserves the right to change any of these terms and conditions at any time without notice. You are bound to respect any change in our terms and conditions within 1 day after the update, and you are required to read this page periodically.



Business Address

Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District

Headquarter Address

HQ, Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District

Privacy Self-Regulation:

BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL(“CryptoVirally”), aims to be the most transparent online advertising firm and give Internet users complete control over how they use their data.

Our company abides by the Self-Regulatory Principles laid down by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), and the Digital Advertising Alliance Canada (DAAC). Other regulations with which CryptoVirally is also compliant are those issued by the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising, and the IAB Europe OBA Framework.

CryptoVirally Privacy Policy

We, BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL, along with our Affiliates (“CryptoVirally“, “we“, “us“, or “our“), have a great concern for the privacy of our customers.

Our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) details the procedures involved in collecting, processing, using, and disclosing the data that is collected through our website,, or any other digital property of CryptoVirally exhibiting this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Sites”), as well as our content-discovery platforms, analytics tools, feeds, widgets, and other software system tools that may be provided through our Sites or via third-party websites (collectively, the “Services”).

Read this information carefully so that you understand how we process personal data and what your rights are.

We may collect data from or about you or your device, including personal information (“Information”) when you visit the Sites, or use or interact with any of our Services, and this Information will be processed as explained in this Privacy Policy.

The data we’ve collected through our Sites and Services may be used in various ways, in accordance with your status as (i) a publisher, advertiser, or another content provider who is in a contractual agreement with CryptoVirally, (“Customer”); (ii) visitor of our Customers’ websites and digital properties that are associated with our Services (“User”); or (iii) a visitor of (“Site Visitor”), that belongs to the Customer or the prospective customer category.

Consequently, the relevant information for each of these main categories has been segregated into three different sections that are featured below. The Information which concerns and applies to all three of the aforementioned categories is included in our Privacy Policy, in Section 4.

In order to find out more details regarding our Sites’ and Services’ use of cookies, please consult our Cookie Policy.


Table of contents

  1. Customers Section
  2. Users Section
  3. Site Visitors
  4. General Provisions That Apply to Customers, Users and Site Visitors
  5. Our Contact Information
  6. Modifications to This Privacy Policy


1. Customers

1.1 Information Collected from Customers (“Customer Information”)

Customer Information represents data which we directly collect from our Customers. For instance, a Customer’s contact details will be collected by us upon entering a contractual agreement with CryptoVirally, or we might save a Customer’s username and password during the account registration on any of our Sites. We will also collect the information submitted to us by the Customer when he sends an e-mail containing inquiries or agrees to sign up to our e-mail newsletters. We may also collect other Information that has been provided to us on the Customers’ own accord (for instance, the contents of a message sent to us via our Sites or e-mail). Information from potential Customers may also be collected by us through the use of publicly available sources.

If a Customer signs up to use our Services or uses CryptoVirally’s “Display” analytics dashboard, we may collect information such as the Customer’s name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing details, and any other data that are provided to us by the Customer while using the platform. Payments to or from our Customers may also be processed on our behalf through collaborations with third-party vendors.

1.2 How Customer Information Is Used

The Customer Information we collect might be used for several purposes:

  • Service Provision. To provide our Customers with the Services of our Sites, or for other customer service purposes.
  • Client Communication. To reach and communicate with our Customers regarding Customers’ accounts via e-mail or other means of communication, to answer general Customer queries, requests, or complaints, and, lastly, to provide Customers with news, pieces of advice, or other information that is useful or of interest based on their communications preferences. This type of communication may entail the use of cookies in our e-mails so that we can track when the e-mails are opened and also evaluate the performance of our campaigns. For additional information on our cookies, please visit our Cookie Policy.
  • Marketing and Advertising Purposes. To offer newsletters, exclusive deals, and promotions to our Customers either via e-mail or other methods, and to contact them regarding products or services that we think are in accordance with their interests; for general updates regarding CryptoVirally’s activity and services; also, for other marketing and advertising purposes. All of the Information sent to us will comply with the communications preferences of our Customers.

1.3 How Customer Information Is Disclosed

Our collected Customer Information may be disclosed to the following parties:

  • CryptoVirally’s Affiliates. Current or future affiliates of CryptoVirally, as well as parent companies, or subsidiaries, may receive some of our Customers’ Information for the purposes expressed in this Privacy Policy (affiliates are companies that manage, are managed by, or are under our common management, such as BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL, referred to herein as “Affiliates“).
  • CryptoVirally’s Service Providers. Customer Information may also be disclosed to our third-party vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or other services that perform various tasks on our platform in our interest. Some of these tasks may include maintenance, data analysis, surveys, e-mail marketing, data hosting, fraud detection, and payment processing.
  • Customer Information may be disclosed to other Customers if this is relevant for the Service we provide. For instance, our publishers may receive Information regarding possible advertisers on their network, or we may offer our advertisers Information about which publishers’ sites their ads have appeared on.

1.4 Customer Options and Actions

Customers may have the possibility of performing certain actions with regards to the Information provided to us, such as accessing, updating, or modifying their data. These actions can be accomplished either by changing their account data, sending an e-mail to their dedicated account manager, or directly sending us an e-mail at [email protected].

E-mails with promotional or informational content may be sent from time to time to our Customers based on the communications preferences they’ve opted for. Customers may choose to not receive such communications by completing the instructions provided in their e-mail. Please take into consideration that opt-out requests may have a processing time of up to ten (10) business days.

You may still receive emails concerning your account or any requested or received Services from us, even if you have opted out from receiving promotional or informational e-mails.


2. Users

2.1 Information Collected from Users (“User Information”)

User Information is collected automatically when Users come into contact with the Services featured on the websites of our Customers and other digital properties. This User Information is collected through the use of cookies and other technologies employed by most web-based services.

CryptoVirally collects data only in a pseudonymized form, meaning your identity is concealed from us as we do not know or process your name, e-mail address, or other relevant personal data.

We may collect User Information that includes, but is not limited to:

  • data regarding the device and operating system of the User;
  • IP address;
  • the web pages visited within our Customers’ websites;
  • the link that brought the User to a Customer’s website;
  • the accessing dates and times on a Customer’s website;
  • event information (e.g., system crashes);
  • the geographic location of the User’s internet service provider (i.e. country, city);
  • other diagnostic data.

Our Customers are asked to acquire consent on our behalf to allow us to collect this User Information (whenever it’s required by applicable data protection laws). User data may also be obtained from our data partners (accredited or authorized institutions are able to request such documents).

To find out additional information regarding our use of cookies and other technologies, please consult our Cookie Policy.

2.2 How Our User Information Is Used

Our collected User Information may be used for the purposes featured down below:

  • Service Provision. For the purpose of providing our services to our Users and Customers.
  • Content Customization. For the purpose of customizing and personalizing the content and information that we may deliver or feature to Users; retargeting content to Users via our Services; personalizing our Services’ user experience. For additional information regarding the personalization of our content, please access the Interest-Based Advertising section of this Privacy Policy.
  • Content Personalization for Multiple Devices. For the purpose of offering an improved user experience for an all-encompassing variety of browsers and devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, PCs) with better-targeted ad campaigns. We aim to provide the same quality and user experience and personalized content whether you are using a web browser or a mobile app. To achieve this, we may sync cookies and identifiers with our service providers or Customers that already have this implementation, so that our Users can benefit from improved data and data segments, and gain insight of other customers from the market.
  • Providing Data Segments for Targeting Content and Advertisements for Services of Possible Interest. We may provide our Customers with several data segments (groups of Users with common attributes) either from us or from our data partners (accredited or authorized institutions are able to request such documents) to help them gain exposure to Users that have a higher chance of showing interest in their content and ads. When forming segments, we do not base our creation process on sensitive information (e.g., race, ethnicity, religious affiliations, or health status, genetic or biometric data, sex life or sexual preferences). Our Customers may use, via our Services, several standard health-related segments which focus on non-sensitive issues that mostly concern general health and well-being or over the counter treatments. We may also provide standard finance-related segments that are about Users who have an interest in financial services.

2.3 How Our User Information Is Disclosed

Our User Information may be disclosed to the following parties:

  • CryptoVirally’s Affiliates. Any of the existing or future Affiliates, parent companies, or subsidiaries of CryptoVirally may receive User Information for data processing according to this Privacy Policy’s designated purposes.
  • CryptoVirally’s Service Providers. Our vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or other parties that provide our platform with services (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, surveys, payment and credit card processing, data hosting, etc.) may receive User Information on our part.
  • Third Parties with No Affiliation. User Information may be disclosed to other third parties that hold no affiliation with CryptoVirally, such as (i) our data partners (accredited or authorized institutions are able to request such documents) so that we can enable our advertisers to offer targeted content to specific audience segments, and (ii) our programmatic demand and supply partners (accredited or authorized institutions are able to request such documents) so that we can offer personalized advertisements.
  • User Information may be disclosed to the Customers that have a Service we think might benefit from such information. For instance, publishers may receive from us data regarding the viewing and click-through patterns of their content, and advertisers may receive conversion rates data that they can use for analytics.

2.4 How to Access Your CryptoVirally User Information

You are able to submit a request to access personal information CryptoVirally may hold about you, as well as correct, delete, erase your personal data and restrict how this Information is processed. To make your request, please contact us at [email protected].

2.5 Interest-Based Advertising

We may provide advertisements to you via our Services and the Services provided to our Customers in accordance with your recent browsing behavior across various Customer platforms, browsers, or devices.

For example, if you first visit a certain website, then the next websites you will be visiting will feature content personalized related to the content of the first website you have accessed.

We may employ the use of cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), HTML5 local storage, and other technologies in order to provide you with relevant advertisements about products and services that are of possible interest to you. Please read our Cookie Policy to find out more information regarding the technologies we use.

Third parties, such as ad networks, may also be used to display advertisements derived from your online browsing behavior. This will enable advertisers to present advertisements that target items and services in relation to your interests.

In order to measure the effectiveness of ads and personalized contents for you, our third-party ad networks, advertiser Customers (and their affiliate content providers and agents), and/or traffic tracking services may also employ the use of technologies, including, but not limited to, cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (as well as clear GIFs), and Flash LSOs. The privacy policy which these third-party cookies and other technologies follow are those of a third-party entity that manages them, not this one.

For queries regarding our collection and use of data for interest-based advertising purposes, please contact us at [email protected].

2.6 User Choices and Opting Out

CryptoVirally’s Users are provided with options that allow them to control how their Information is used by certain Services. Customers are able to control the interest-based content and ads they receive through several options:

  • The display of interest-based ads from CryptoVirally can be disabled by clicking on the opt-out button below.It should be noted that you will still be able to see CryptoVirally’s content recommendations even if the opt-out function is enabled. Opting out prevents CryptoVirally from using your Information to generate recommendations based on your particular interests. The recommendations you will receive from now on will be based on the specific website you are visiting (i.e., contextually based ads).

You can opt-out using sending an email to us directly at [email protected].

  • Not Opted Out: You will receive personalized recommendations from CryptoVirally based on your browsing history.
  • Opted Out: Your activity will no longer be tracked by CryptoVirally, and, therefore, you will not be receiving personalized content recommendations derived from your past online activities
    • As we individually track device or browser operations, you will need to opt-out on each device and browser, individually, in order to completely opt out across multiple devices.
    • Your opt-out may not come into effect if your browser is set to reject cookies, as we have already recognized your opt-out configuration based on an opt-out cookie that we’ve sent to you. For the opt-out to be effective in this scenario, you will be required to confirm that your browser has the proper configuration. Users that have a Safari browser on iOS11 or macOS High Sierra first have to change their Privacy and Security Settings in order to disable “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and “Block All Cookies”, and then access, once again, this privacy policy or their opt-out platform of choice to reset the opt-out settings.
    • Technologies that do not use cookies may be used by CryptoVirally in very few specific situations. These technologies work in a similar manner to cookies, as they help us to create tailored ad recommendations based on your interests and keep track if the opt-out function was enabled. Please keep in mind that you may not be able to restrict the use of non-cookie technologies with certain web browsers, but you can go to the “User Choices” section on this page and click on the Opt-Out feature to have this function enabled.
  • Users can also disable getting targeted ads from CryptoVirally and other advertising companies.
    • The NAI opt-out tool stops CryptoVirally and other NAI-approved member companies from sending you targeted ads. The NAI offers a guideline on how to opt-out from mobile devices that run on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone operating systems.
    • The Digital Advertising Alliance affiliate websites also feature more information regarding User Choices and how to disable targeted advertising for each of the member companies.
    • The DAA consumer choice page is available to United States-based Users at
    • The DAAC consumer choice page is available to Canadian Users at
    • The EDAA consumer choice page is available to European Users at

You will still be able to see the advertisements from the companies featured in the DAA, DAAC, or EDAA consumer choice pages, even if you have activated the opt-out function. Opting out prevents these companies from using your Information to create ad recommendations based on your particular interests. The recommendations you will receive from now on will be based on the specific website you are visiting (i.e., contextually based ads).

Your opt-out may not be effective if your browser has been set to reject opt-out cookies when visiting DAA, DAAC or EDAA consumer choice pages (these cookies notice companies if your opt-out preference is enabled).

2.7 How We Keep User information

For ad-related purposes, User Information may be held for eighteen (18) months since the User’s last interacted with our Services, after which we will de-identify the information by removing unique identifiers or aggregating the data.

The resulting de-identified or aggregated data may also be held by us to be used for reporting and analysis, during the entire period it is of commercial necessity. This type of data cannot be used for the identification of an individual or device. Opt-out data may be retained for longer than eighteen (18) months in order to track and keep active the opt-outs that have been requested.

2.8 Children

Our data collecting and advertising are not knowingly targeted towards websites that have, as their audience, children under the age of thirteen (13). Parents or legal guardians of children under the age of thirteen (13) are able to contact us at [email protected] regarding our data collection methods.


3. Site Visitors

3.1. Site Visitor Data Collection

Site Visitor Information may be collected by CryptoVirally either from you or from third parties that collect data when using one of our Sites. We may combine all the data we obtain from different sources.

  • Data Collected Directly from You.Site Visitor Information may be collected by CryptoVirally directly from you, in cases such as when you send us an e-mail with an inquiry or a form on our Sites that confirms you want to receive marketing materials or e-mail newsletters. The data inputted into these fields before submitting the forms may be recorded by third-party analytics. Other visitor Information that you have sent to us may be collected, including the contents of a message sent via our Sites.
  • Data Collection from Third Parties.Site Visitor Information may also be collected by CryptoVirally through third parties that automatically do so, on our behalf, when you access our Site. The collected Information may be about your operating system, IP address, system configuration, device information, mobile data information, your visited web pages within our Sites, the link that redirected you to our Sites, what site you visited when you left our Sites, the accessing dates and times, event information (e.g., system crashes) and weblog data.

To find out additional information regarding the use of cookies and other technologies, please read our Cookie Policy.

3.2. How Site Visitor Information Is Used

Your Site Visitor Information may be used by us for the following purposes:

  • Service Provision.For the purpose of providing the Services of our Sites, as well as for management motives.
  • Content Personalization.For the purpose of offering personalized content and data to you when you visit our Sites, and to give you a tailored browsing experience.
  • Communication Purposes. In order to communicate with you and to respond to your questions or complaints regarding our Services through e-mail; or to offer you news, pieces of advice or other updates we deem are of interest to you.
  • Marketing and Advertising. To send and contact you about services and materials that we believe might be of interest to you, such as newsletters, exclusive offers, and promotional services, as well as for other purposes that involve marketing and advertising. All of the information we will send will be compliant with the communications preferences set by you.
  • Analytical Purposes. To have an ampler insight on how our Sites are accessed and used, at an aggregated and individualized level; to offer our response to any demands and preferences; and to analyze and research how our site is used.

3.3. How Site Visitor Information Is Disclosed

Site Visitor Information may be disclosed by CryptoVirally to the following parties:

  • CryptoVirally’s Affiliates. Any of the existing or future Affiliates, parent companies, or sub-branches of CryptoVirally may receive Site Visitor Information for the processing purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy.
  • CryptoVirally’s Service Providers. Third-party service providers, such as vendors, agents, contractors, or other entities that perform services for our platform (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, surveys, payment and credit card processing, data hosting, etc.) may receive Site Visitor Information from us.

3.4. Third-Party Online Advertising

We may collaborate with third parties that employ their proprietary cookies, web beacons, and other technologies that record Site Visitors’ online activities, either on our Sites and/or other sites, so that we can provide personalized advertisements that are suited to your interests.

Advertisers and ad networks are some of the included third parties that may gather data upon your vising or interaction with their advertisements and may also collect Information on your web browsing activities either on our Sites or other different sites.

The ad placement of CryptoVirally is based on the principle that they should be featured in places that are of interest and have the most relevance to visitors. By enabling ad networks to place their own cookies when our Sites receive a visitor, we are able to place our ads organically.

Ad networks are able to identify past visitors of CryptoVirally’s Sites through the use of these cookies. The ad network will be able to deliver a CryptoVirally advertisement on any of its new ad spaces on a third-party website to that same individual that visited the CryptoVirally Sites, as its cookies recorded his activity and noted his interest in CryptoVirally.

To find out more details regarding the collection of Site Visitor Information through third parties, please read our Cookie Policy.

3.5. Site Visitor Options

Site Visitors may opt-out of third-party ad networks and advertisers that collect Information on the Sites that serve ads about CryptoVirally. By visiting one of the Digital Advertising Alliance affiliate websites, you can learn more about User choices and opting out of interest-based advertising displayed by the many member companies

You will still be able to see the advertisements from the companies displayed in the DAA, DAAC, or EDAA consumer choice pages even if the opt-out function is enabled. Opting out averts these companies from using your Information to generate ad recommendations based on your particular interests. The advertisements you will receive from now on will be based on the specific website you are visiting (i.e., contextually based ads).

Your opt-out may not be effective if your browser has been configured to reject opt-out cookies when visiting sites from the DAA, DAAC or EDAA consumer choice pages (these cookies notice companies if the opt-out preference is set in your browser).

Site Visitors that receive our e-mail subscriptions can manage their subscription: For Advertisers Newsletter and For Publishers Newsletter.


4. General Provisions That Apply to Customers, Users and Site Visitors

4.1 How Your Information Is Used

In addition to the purposes aforementioned in Sections 1-3, we may use data collected from Customers, Users, and Site Visitors for several other purposes:

  • Service Analysis. To improve our comprehension on how our Sites and Services are accessed and used, at an aggregated and individualized level; to offer our response to Customers’, Users’, and Site Visitors’ demands and preferences; and to perform other analysis and research involving our Sites usage.
  • Legal Compliance. To achieve full compliance with the laws set forth by legal authorities or other governmental regulatory bodies.
  • Protection of Rights and Interests.With the purpose of protecting our rights and interests, and, by extension, the rights and interests of our Customers, Users, Site Visitors, and the general public, in addition to the enforcement of our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

4.2 Information Disclosure

Third parties that receive Information collected from us as mentioned above are required to agree and comply with this Privacy Policy and our contractual specifications in order to use the Information provided by us, and are not allowed to use said information in other contexts or for other purposes than those underlined in this Privacy Policy.

Additional Information disclosures may be made for the following purposes:

  • Business Acquisitions or Transfers.In case of our company acquisition or merger by/with another company, or if our business unit or assets are sold or transferred to another company, in the context of bankruptcy events, or other business transmissions, we reserve the right to disclose and/or transfer Information to the company in question.
  • Compliance with Legal Matters. Information may be disclosed if it is required by law via legal procedures, such as subpoenas, court orders, or other law, regulation, or judicial proceedings.
  • Protection of Rights and Interests. If we believe that an investigation, prevention, or action against illegal activities is required, we may disclose Information in order to combat cases such as suspected fraud attempts, potential threats to personal safety, breaches of our Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy, or to provide them as evidence in court cases in which we are involved.
  • De-identified and Aggregated Data. Our Customers and other third parties may receive aggregated or de-identified user Information to be processed for purposes such as marketing, advertising, or research.

4.3 Tracking Technologies: Cookies and Others

Links to third-party websites may be embedded in our Sites and Services. The use and access of these websites are not in compliance with this Privacy Policy but with the privacy policies set forth by the third-party websites. We absolve ourselves from any responsibility regarding the information security and privacy practices employed by these third-party websites.

Our Sites, for instance, incorporate features from third-party social networking platforms, such as the “Like” button from Facebook. When using such features, they may collect certain Information, including, but not limited to, the IP address or the pages visited within our Sites and may also deploy a cookie to enable the feature to have proper functionality. Features and widgets from social media networks either have third-party hosting or direct hosting on our Sites.

The interaction with these features falls under the privacy policy of the providing company of said features. Links to Customers’ websites are not governed by this Privacy Policy but by the Customers’ privacy policy.

4.5 Security

The Information collected through our Sites or Services is secured through the application of proper technical and organizational procedures in order to prevent the data from being lost, altered, misused, accessed or disclosed by unauthorized entities, destroyed, removed, or any other type of unofficial activities.

Please keep in mind that no security implementations can provide complete security.

4.6 Notice to European Economic Area (“EEA”) Residents

4.6.1 Data Controller

The personal Information of EEA residents which has been provided, collected by or for, or processed by CryptoVirally in relation with our Services, will be controlled by BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL.

4.6.2 Legal Basis for Data Collection and Processing

The legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Information of European Economic Area Customers, Site Visitors, or Users (denoted in this Section 4.6 as “EEA Data”) will vary according to the type of personal Information collected and the specific circumstance in which the collection took place.

We will only collect Information from you for the following purposes: (i) when we have your consent; (ii) to establish a contractual agreement with you; (iii) when processing is in our legitimate interest and this does not come into conflict with your data rights, interests, and liberties. We may be legally required to collect personal Information from you in certain cases or may need the personal data to ensure the protection of your own or another individual’s personal interests.

In case of a legal requirement or establishing a contract with you, we will clearly state, at the right time, when and if it is compulsory for you to provide us with your personal Information (you will also be informed of the possible consequences of refusing to supply the required personal Information). The same applies should we require to collect and use your personal Information for our own legitimate interests (or any of our third parties), as we will explain to you, in due time, what these specific interests are.

Should you have additional questions or require further information regarding the legal basis on which your personal Information is processed and used, and to have a better understanding of how our legitimate data processing interest affects your data protection rights and freedoms, please reach out to us via an emai at [email protected].

4.6.3 Personal Rights on Information

Your rights include requesting CryptoVirally to (i) give you access to your personal Information that might be held by us, (ii) make corrections or modifications to your personal Information (if there are any), (iii) erase your personal Information (if there are any), and (iv) prohibit any type of processing of your personal Information (if there are any).

Another right you have is to file a complaint to a data protection authority regarding our collection, use and processing of your personal data. If you are interested in finding out more, please communicate with your local data protection authority by contacting them through the methods described here. Should you have queries regarding our collection and use of your personal Information, please contact us first at [email protected].

Users that want to find out more about the personal Information and behavioral Information CryptoVirally may hold about them, and the enforcement of their personal Information rights, can request such Information by sending us an e-mail at [email protected], so we may provide them with the answers they are seeking or direct this request to/cooperate with their employer, if needed.

4.6.4 EEA Data Transfers

CryptoVirally data transfers outside of the EEA region. Customer, User, and Visitor Information is currently stored in CryptoVirally’s data centers located in the United States, Germany, India, Singapore, Japan

4.7 Global Data Transfers

Your Information may be transferred by CryptoVirally outside the country where the collecting took place, including to a country that may have less personal Information protection than the country of your residence. In order to prevent such discrepancies from affecting your personal Information, CryptoVirally has set up all contracts to maintain the adequate level of protection for your Information processing when it is shared between or among CryptoVirally’s Affiliates, parent companies, and/or subsidiaries.


5. Our Contact Information

Should you have inquiries regarding the privacy aspects of our Sites or Services, please feel free to reach us at the following addresses:


Business Address

Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District

Headquarter Address

HQ, Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District

E-mail Address

[email protected]

European Economic Area residents are able to take their inquiry or complaint to a higher level if they are not satisfied with the support team by contacting our Data Protection Officer at “hello”


6. Modifications to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is updated starting with the Effective Date stipulated above.

This Privacy Policy may be subjected to occasional updates or changes, so please read this policy periodically to keep abreast with the new modifications. Any changes related to this Privacy Policy on our Sites will be immediately published by us.

If any revisions to our Privacy Policy have a significant impact on our practices concerning the Information we may have about you, we will try our best to alert you of such updates in advance by emphasizing the changes on our Sites. We will request your permission in advance for any material changes, should this be compulsory via applicable data protection laws.

By continuing to use the Sites and our Services, you express your agreement regarding this Cookie Policy and any updates.

If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you can contact us at any time via email, at  [email protected].


7. Affiliate Marketing

7.1  Affiliate Marketing Conditions

CryptoVirally offers an affiliate marketing program wherein individuals or entities (hereinafter referred to as “Affiliates”) can earn a percentage of revenue by referring clients to our digital marketing services.

Upon successful referral, Affiliates are entitled to a percentage of the revenue generated from the referred client’s payments to CryptoVirally.

It is important to note that affiliate commissions will commence only after the second referred client onwards.

Commissions will be calculated based on the revenue generated from the referred clients’ payments, excluding any refunds, chargebacks, or disputed amounts.

CryptoVirally reserves the right to modify the affiliate commission percentage, terms, or conditions at any time without prior notice. By participating in our affiliate program, Affiliates agree to adhere to all terms and conditions outlined herein.


7.2  Affiliate Marketing Payment Disbursement

All payments to Affiliates will be processed within 7 days from the date when an order is officially registered as ‘Confirmed’ on the CryptoVirally website. Confirmation is subject to the completion of the order process, excluding orders that are on hold or cancelled. An invoice will always be automatically generated by the CryptoVirally website upon placement and payment of any order.

Payment disbursement to Affiliates is contingent upon the customer receiving the report or proof confirming the delivery of the purchased services. It is the responsibility of the Affiliate to ensure that their payment details are accurate and up to date to facilitate timely disbursement. CryptoVirally reserves the right to withhold or delay payments in the event of suspected fraudulent activity or violation of these terms and conditions.


7.3 Affiliate Percentage

The affiliate percentage offered by CryptoVirally may vary between 10% and 20%, depending on the specific digital marketing packages acquired by the referred client and the cumulative number of orders generated through the affiliate’s referrals.

The exact percentage applicable to each referral will be determined based on the package selected by the referred client and the total volume of orders attributed to the affiliate.

CryptoVirally reserves the right to adjust the affiliate percentage structure at its discretion, taking into account market conditions, business objectives, and other relevant factors. Affiliates will be notified of any changes to the affiliate percentage structure in a timely manner.


8. Use of Customer Data and Proof of Work for Marketing and Compliance Purposes

8.1 Collection and Use of Proof of Work, Customer Data and Media

CryptoVirally collects and utilizes data, reports, media proofs, images, videos, statistics, screen captures, emails, feedback and other proof of work related to the services we provide to our customers and collaborators. This information is crucial for service enhancement, demonstrating our capabilities, and protecting our community and the general audience from potential scams and rug-pulls. It is also a clear and transparent way of showing the global audience, the old and new customers or community members that we gracefully  and expertly deliver all services showcased on our website, as well as tailored packages personalized for specific requests.


8.2  Marketing and Promotional Use of Proof of Work, Success Stories and Case Studies 

Unless explicitly stated otherwise by the customer (as outlined in Section 8.6), CryptoVirally reserves the right to use all collected data, proof of work, reports, media, and any other related information for marketing purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing success stories, case studies, blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, and presentations at live events. By initially providing this information, as specified in Section 8.6, the customer grants CryptoVirally consent to use it for these purposes without needing further confirmation or approval. This consent is considered given unless a specific opt-out request is made as specified in Section 8.5.

CryptoVirally may create and publish success stories and case studies that highlight the positive experiences and outcomes of our services. These publications will showcase the effectiveness of our digital marketing solutions, provide detailed insights into our services, and help attract new customers.


8.3 Partial Data Sharing for Compliance and Verification 

To ensure audience protection and compliance, customer data will be shared during service submission for checkups and verifications. Due diligence will be conducted by the final entity responsible for publishing or offering the services. If any risk is identified, Cryptovirally will not be held accountable, and all published services will be promptly taken down by the websites, publications, KOLs, etc. Appropriate legal actions will be taken against the buyer, excluding any implication for CryptoVirally and its partners, members, collaborators or affiliates.


8.4  Anonymity and Confidentiality 

While using customer data for promotional purposes, CryptoVirally commits to maintaining the anonymity and confidentiality of sensitive information. Other detailed identifiable customer data, aside from the information required in Section 8.3, will only be shared if prior consent has been given or if the data is already publicly available.


8.5 Opt-Out and Non-Disclosure Requests 

Customers who do not wish to have their data or media used for marketing purposes must explicitly communicate their request to CryptoVirally in written form. This can be done by emailing us or requesting the signing of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before the commencement of services. All such requests must be made in advance to ensure compliance and will be only taken into account if done on our main electronic mail (e-mail) communication channel, by informing us at [email protected].


8.6 Customer Consent and Acknowledgment 

By engaging with CryptoVirally’s services, customers acknowledge and consent to the potential use of their data and media for the purposes outlined in this section. This consent is considered granted unless a specific opt-out request is received and acknowledged by CryptoVirally.  Sharing information through any questionnaire, via email, or in Telegram direct messages or dedicated groups is considered a clear and irrefutable confirmation of customer consent for sharing that specific data for compliance checkup or marketing purposes, as specified in Section 8.2. This agreement to share information cannot be contested unless a clear request to the contrary is made via email, as specified in Section 8.5.


8.7  Global Compliance 

CryptoVirally ensures that all activities involving customer data and media comply with relevant data protection and privacy laws worldwide. Customers can rest assured that their information will be handled with the highest standards of care and legal compliance.


8.8 Dispute Resolution 

In the event of any dispute arising from the use of customer data and media, CryptoVirally will address the concern promptly and seek to resolve the issue amicably. Customers are encouraged to contact us directly with any concerns regarding their data usage.




Cookie Policy


This cookie policy (“Cookie Policy“) of BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL, with registered office at Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District (alone or together with other BLOCK ADVENTURE SRL affiliates – “CryptoVirally“, “we“, “us” or “our“), aims to inform you about the use of cookies, and other automated means of data collection on any digital property of CryptoVirally, including the following websites:,, (referred to as the “Sites“), along with any other content discovery platform (referred to as the “Services“), which you may see on third-party websites belonging to our publishers and/or other customers that allow us to place our content discovery platform on their websites in order to redistribute their own content or the content of our advertisers and/or customers (collectively known as the “Customers“).

Regarding the term “cookies” from this Cookie Policy, we refer to both cookies and any other automated means of data collection, as defined later below. By visiting, interacting, or using the Sites, you expressly agree to the use of cookies as explained henceforth. We can’t access nor control the use of cookies and other automated means of data collection on our Customers’ Sites; therefore, we request them to obtain consent on our behalf whenever it’s required by applicable data protection laws.

This Cookie Policy does not control the use of the Sites nor the processing of the Users’ Personal Information (as defined in our Privacy Policy). For more details regarding the use of the Sites, please consult our Terms of Service. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle your data whenever you’re using or interacting with our Sites or Services. You can refer to the Sites or platforms of our Customers where we place our widgets to know more about how they might collect cookies or process your Personal Information.


Table of contents

  1. Cookies and Other Automated Means of Data Collection
  2. Information We Collect
  3. The Cookies We Use and Their Purpose
  4. Cookies Management
  5. Our Contact Information
  6. Modifications to This Privacy Policy



1. Cookies and Other Automated Means of Data Collection

This section will help you learn more about cookies, other automated means of data collection, and how they all work.

1.1 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file, usually consisted of letters and numbers, which is stored on your computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device that you might use when entering a certain site. It’s mostly used by the owners of different sites in order to make them function, improve their performance, or collect analytical information. With the help of cookies, your use of our Sites and Services will be more efficient and also more enjoyable. We may also use cookies to personalize your experience, improve customer support and provide you with customized content and relevant information whenever you’re interacting with our Services. For further details regarding the delivery of targeted advertisements by our Services, please check our Interest-Based Advertisements (Privacy Policy).

1.2 Other Automated Means of Data Collection

Once we have their consent, we may place a pixel tag on our advertiser Customers’ websites. Pixel tags are transparent graphic images displayed on a site, also known as clear GIFs or web beacons. In association with cookies, these pixels are used to analyze visitors’ behavior on the site once they arrive via our Services. For instance, we may place pixel tags to track conversions or to create a custom audience for our advertiser Customers to target on our network (i.e. retargeting). For additional details regarding our abovementioned operations, please access the Interest-Based Advertising section of our Privacy Policy.

The types of cookies that our service providers and we may use on the Sites and/or when delivering our Services are listed in Section 3 below.


2. Information We Collect

2.1 Cookies Used on Our Sites

The data we obtain from our trusted business partners that place third-party cookies on our Sites may include, but is not limited to, details about the User’s geographic location (i.e. country, city), data regarding the device and operating system of the User, the webpages accessed by the User while browsing our Sites, the links that redirected the visitor to our Sites, the accessing dates and times, and other diagnostic data. We may also collaborate with third parties that employ their proprietary cookies, web beacons, and other technologies which record Site Visitors’ online activities, either on our Sites and/or other websites, so that we can provide personalized advertisements that are suited to your interests.

For more details about how we may use third parties to deliver you advertisements that are tailored to your interests, please consult our Third-Party Online Advertising section (Privacy Policy).

Our Privacy Policy shall apply to the processing of any of the above Information, along or together with other data, if this constitutes Personal Data under applicable laws.

2.2 Cookies Used via Services

Cookies help us receive information about your operating system, browser type, the pages you’ve visited when you’ve entered our Customer’s sites, the links that led you to our Customer’s sites, the time and date of your visit, the geographic location of you internet service provider (i.e. country, city) and other diagnostic data.


3. The Cookies We Use and Their Purpose

The information we collected through third-party cookies on the Sites may be used by us to keep track of your Information and avoid re-entering said data the next time you access our Sites, to observe which pages and sections you have visited on the Sites, to keep track of the number of visitors on our Sites and the webpages that have been accessed, and to better our Sites’ management and functionality. The use of third parties may also be employed by us for the monitoring and/or analysis of your online browsing on our Sites, or to provide you with personalized advertisements based on your browsing history via third-party websites.

If you want to know more information regarding how our third parties may collect your Information or how you can receive personalized advertisements based on your interests, please review our Third-Party Online Advertising section (Privacy Policy).

There are several categories of cookies used by our service providers on the Sites for accomplishing such purposes. The categories are described below as:

3.1 Cookies That Are Strictly Required

The purposes of these cookies may consist of (i) conducting communications via an electronic communications network, or (ii) enabling information society service providers to offer such services in accordance with your specific requirements.

3.2 Cookies Used in Performance (Analytical)

These cookies may be deployed for the collection of visitor activities on the Site (for instance, which are the most visited pages or if any error messages are displayed when visiting the webpages). No identifying information is collected by these cookies; all data obtained by these cookies is aggregated and, thus, anonymous. The sole purpose of these cookies is to further the improvement of the Site’s functionality.

3.3 Cookies Used for Advertising (Targeting)

The use of these cookies may involve creating advertisements that are of interest to you. Such cookies may also be deployed to restrict the display times of an advertisement in addition to aiding us in evaluating how effective an advertising campaign is. Advertising networks usually place these ads with our consent.

The cookies on the websites of our Customers (i.e. where our Services are provided) collect Information that we may use to improve the user experience and the functionality of our Services, and to personalize the content and data we may display and provide to you.

To find out more about how our Services deliver tailored advertisements, please consult our Interest-Based Advertisements section (Privacy Policy)

The following categories of cookies may be used for the aforementioned purposes:

  • Strictly Required Cookies
    The purposes of these cookies may consist of (i) conducting communications via an electronic communications network, or (ii) enabling information society service providers to offer such services in accordance with your specific requirements.
  • Functionality Cookies
    We use these cookies so that we can save and keep track on your Information or choices you have made on our Sites (e.g. your username, language, or region of residence) and to provide an overall enhanced, improved and tailored user experience and site functionality.
  • Performance (Analytical) Cookies
    The deployment of these cookies may involve keeping track of visitor’s activities on the Site, such as the most visited pages and what webpages have displayed error messages upon accessing. No Information that can lead to your identification is collected by these cookies, as all the data they may collect is aggregated, making the User completely anonymous. The only purpose of these cookies is to enhance the Site’s functionality.
  • Advertising (Targeting) Cookies
    These cookies may be used by us in tailoring advertisements that are in accordance with your interests. Such cookies may also be deployed to restrict how many times an advertisement is displayed in addition to serving us in the evaluation of our advertising campaign and its effectiveness.

In order to differentiate a “first-party” cookie from a “third-party” cookie, you must consider the domain that places the cookie.

  • First-party cookies  are the cookies implemented by the same website you are visiting at that moment, e.g., cookies set up by
  • Third-party cookies  are the cookies set up not by the website that is visited by the User, but by another domain. If a visitor enters a site that has a cookie configured on that site by another entity, then it is a third-party cookie.
  • Session cookies  are used by website operators during browser sessions to link your online activities. A browser session is the sum of actions you perform from the moment you open your Internet browser window to the moment you close it. Session cookies are generated on a temporary basis and are all deleted once the browser is closed.
  • Persistent cookies  are cookies that remain for a certain (specified) period of time on your device. Both session and persistent cookies may be used on our Sites or through our Services.

To find out more information regarding the individual cookies we employ on our Sites and for our Services, and the corresponding purpose of each cookie, continue reading the Information provided below:

3.4 Cookies Used on Our Sites

Our Sites employ the use of the following first-party cookies:

First Party Cookies
Cookie category Cookie name Purpose
Strictly Required Cookies consent To save your consent preferences

The only use of first-party cookies on our Sites is with reference to our Services, with certain pages of our Sites featuring said cookies. To find out more on how our cookies are deployed through our Services, please continue reading the information presented below.

Our Sites employ the use of the following third-party cookies:

Third-Party Cookies
Cookie category Name of third party Cookie name Purpose
Functionality Cookies Intercom intercom-session-aoltuu4t It will identify your current session with our live chat
Strictly Required Cookies Cloudflare _cfduid This cookie is deployed by Cloudflare for security reasons.
Performance (Analytical) Google Analytics _ga This cookie is used by Google to generate an unique identifier.
Performance (Analytical) Google Analytics _gid Used by Google to store information for each page visit.
Performance (Analytical) Google Analytics _gat-UA-**** Used by Google to identify the account used by CryptoVirally services.
Advertising (Targeting) Google Analytics AMP_TOKEN A cookie that stores a Token used by Google AMP services to identify a client.
Advertising (Targeting) Google Adsense _gcl_au Used by Google for advertisements efficiency across websites using their services.
Performance (Analytical) Facebook _fbp Used by Facebook to deliver advertisement products from third party advertisers.

3.5 Cookies Used Through Our Services

CryptoVirally’s cookies may be placed on our Customers ‘ websites using our Services as follows:

First-Party Cookies
Cookie category Cookie name Domain Expiry Purpose
Functionality Cookies session Session Used by CryptoVirally to identify our customers.
Functionality Cookies sessionPersistence Session Used by CryptoVirally to keep the Customer’s details through our platforms.


4. Cookies Management

4.1 The Cookies Our Sites Use

You are able to change the setting of your browser in order to manage or reject cookies if you do not want our trusted business partners to place their cookies on your device when you’re accessing our webpages. You can also set up a notification to alert you when a cookie is being placed in your Internet browser software. Users can access these settings either in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu featured on their Internet browser.

To find out more about browser settings and how can you change them to your preferences, access your Internet browser’s Help section. Most of today’s Internet browsers allow you to look through your device’s stored cookies and remove any unwanted cookie.

4.2 The Cookies Our Services Use

If you do not want us to place our cookies on your device when you engage with or use our Services in order to personalize the content and data we may feature or provide you with and otherwise customize our Services’ user experience, you are able to set your browser to reject these cookies (according to our aforementioned explanation), or click on the Opt-Out button below.

You can opt-out by writing to us at [email protected]

The opt-out function removes all the cookies we may have previously held concerning your account and replaces them with a new cookie which reminds us not to track you anymore. The removal of all your browser cookies after your opting-out implies that you will also be removing the cookie that alerts us that you have opted-out, meaning that you will need to perform the opt-out process again.

You will still be able to see our Services or ads even if you’ve opted out from receiving tailored content or ads from us.


5. Our Contact Information

Should you have inquiries regarding the privacy aspects of our Sites or Services, please feel free to reach us at the following addresses:


Business Address

Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District

Headquarter Address

HQ, Romania, Bucharest, Street Soldat Enache Ion, nr. 9, 4th  District

E-mail Address

[email protected]


6. Modifications to this Cookies Policy

This Cookie Policy is updated starting with the Effective Date stipulated above.

This Cookie Policy may be subjected to occasional updates or changes, so please read this policy periodically to keep abreast with the new modifications. Any changes related to this Cookie Policy on our Sites will be immediately published by us.

If any revisions to our Cookie Policy have a significant impact on our practices concerning the Information we may have about you, we will try our best to alert you of such updates in advance by emphasizing the changes on our Sites. We will request your permission in advance for any material changes, should this be compulsory via applicable data protection laws.

By continuing to use the Sites and our Services, you express your agreement regarding this Cookie Policy and any updates.