February 12, 2023

Can Traditional Marketing Help Create Awareness about a Crypto Project?

In the next few years, the cryptocurrency industry is set to explode. Similarly, new crypto projects will demand to facilitate the mass integration of this new technology and its advantages. The considerable innovation and information that has been created in 10 or so years are already incredible and what is about to come seems even greater. Initializing the perception, particularly of a new product or service, marketing and advertising play a significant part. It is achieved by informing people about the problem, the opportunity, and the solution. So, to cut to the chase, yes, traditional marketing can create awareness about a cryptocurrency project.

Traditional Marketing is the Way to Go

To understand whether traditional marketing is viable as a marketing method, we must first understand what it is. Hence, traditional marketing refers to a form of promotion that reaches an audience offline. For example, it could be brochures, billboards, or direct mail, among others. Here are some of the reasons why you could use traditional marketing with cryptocurrencies:

Reaches Out to Every Demographic

Efficient marketing aims to reach the biggest audience and generate the most interest with minor investment. Therefore, investing in several strategies means that you can tap into every demographic and ensure that you have the best value for your capital.

Over 89 percent of adults in the UK use the internet daily. Therefore, pay-per-click ads, social media marketing, and search engine optimization are essential when targeting the masses. However, only 4 in 10 people over the age of 75 use the internet at all. This data reflects a large proportion of the population that isn’t on social media and doesn’t search on Google.

It may be challenging to get into this audience, but offline marketing strategies may prove very successful. Printed leaflets and brochures still hit the broad audience with excellent efficiency, regardless of the “connectivity.”

Furthermore, 90% of the competition is exclusively on the internet. This can also help discern your brands on a saturated market. Furthermore, it’s never really critical to be the odd one in today’s digital world. Everyone continuously tries to rank with the exact keywords.

Can Fuse with Online Marketing

Have you ever looked at a billboard and looked at one of them? These QR codes and can act as an outline-online bridge. By putting QR codes on flyers, posters, and billboards, people can conveniently find your social media content on the respective crypto projects.

Other methods for integration offline/online include: television and radio ads, both with a high return on investment which you can use in video streaming; offline call-to-action, which can directly bring you to your website or social network (providing you have a seamless branding across the board)

So why not allow the development of your crypto marketing strategy with these not so revolutionary, tested, and proven ways of spreading your message? Maybe a VOIP Network could open a new helpline? Although this technology may seem obsolete in the SEO-driven world of today, there is a justification for resisting a time test because they work!

Cross Channel Play

Historically, many digital marketing companies and growth hackers have downplayed conventional marketing in particular events. It is now more complex than ever to develop simply by finding a hack since these techniques are constantly copied. It thus prepared the way to a gradual return to the marketing world for older conventional approaches.

Nevertheless, this does not suggest, however, that businesses spend less on digital technology. Companies recognize the value of cross-channel presence instead, and this approach is supported by over 95% of marketers. Simply put, a cross-channel implies a blend of many different channels providing a seamless experience. Using cross-channel play will enhance all the events’ scope and development by timing these promotions across multiple mediums.

It can also have a viral impact if you are lucky, especially if you do something never seen before (like a stunt). But, to succeed, marketers now have to take an overview that includes print, billboards, events, and more efficient cross-channel promotions.

Traditional Marketing May not Always Work.

Despite the great opportunity that traditional means of marketing provides, there could be setbacks that you need to be aware of before making your decision:

  • Gradually lose its audience: It would be best to watch TV or read a newspaper these days to design your campaign. While network television audiences and physical journal readers are segmented, paid television subscriptions and e-readers are undoubtedly changing how people of all ages use news and the media. Traditional media outlets learn to adapt to a new consumer generation, and financial marketers have to do so
  • Takes longer to execute and refine: It takes time to produce a print ad, and edits take a while. After that, the ad is complete, and no color, font, or word can be changed back. Digital advertising can, on the other hand, suffer changes and edits in real-time to increase its efficiency.
  • Ability to target and sub-segment as digital: Many conventional marketing strategies cannot and do not provide the same segmentation and targeting standard as can be done with digital targeting other than direct mail
  • Lack of Immediacy: Another drawback of conventional marketing is that it does not allow you to adapt as fast as new communication methods to changes in the market. When running magazine advertisements, you can need to build your message weeks or months in advance. Also, regular newspaper advertising will take several days in advance. Changing broadcast advertisements would take time and extra production costs.


Of course, several traditional marketing techniques have already demonstrated their excellence in recent decades. A large part of the world’s population has always used these techniques and established phenomena such as ad blindness. As a result, crypto marketers must develop and upgrade these conventional strategies to suit the latest modern profiles.

Our platform offers complete preparation, installation, and configuration of your campaign, social media channel posting, and dedicated campaigns with an overall reach of over 15M and advertising banners and dedicated airdrops. Crypto marketers need to learn new things and employ resources—time, money, and staff—to browse the latest and newest platforms.

However, the shiny new objects should not distract them that they give up what works best simply because it is conventional. Instead, ensure that the institution has the correct marketing mix taking past performance rates and objective categories, budget, and overall marketing goals.

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