February 12, 2023

The Top 10 Blockchain Marketing Campaigns

Marketing and advertising is an old industry, as old as the ancient Chinese, Greek, and Egyptian empires. It is, however, without a doubt that modern marketing campaigns are nothing like what prevailed in antiquity. The advent of the internet and technology improvements made this industry very sophisticated, requiring immense amounts of data. The target audience must be aimed at using specific wording, color schemes, and styling.

Nonetheless, the main aim of marketing and advertising campaigns has always been to imprint an image of the product onto the minds of consumers. So what are the top 10 blockchain marketing campaigns of all time? Read on to find out.

  1. ‘Got It’ by Ripple

Ripple’s ‘Got It’ campaign is a sure leader as far as crypto marketing campaigns are concerned. First premiered in October 2019, it shows individuals sending money to businesses and loved ones. Following a successful reception, a release followed up in December 2020. It depicted people transferring funds to their families, friends, and businesses.

Their aim was affirming Ripple’s model enabling instant global payment services to businesses and individuals, and they do just that. They succeed in highlighting Ripple’s two key selling points in less than a minute. The points include support for instant cross-border payments & transfers and its key partners in payment processors and financial institutions.

  1. ‘Crypto For the People’ by PayPal

PayPal has been around for a while, at least ten years before the launch of Bitcoin, so its ranking here may come as a surprise. It’s 2020 ‘Crypto for the People’ marketing ad as a short video highlighting its latest crypto supporting feature. The ad is a clear example of good blockchain marketing.

And the video is quite short, 15 seconds. It targets PayPal’s large existing user base, urging them to try the new feature. As a result, the ad goes straight to the point hence its very short nature.

  1. ‘UniSwap V3’ by Pplpleasr

UniSwap has arguably been the most influential crypto project in 2021, with 2022 still looking promising. The digital artist pplpleasr’s Uniswap V3 ad is particularly special and interesting on this list since not a single word is uttered or written. Yet, it had such a huge impact as a crypto marketing campaign that it was sold as an NFT for $525,000.

It starts with the unicorn mascot looking dejected, hateful, and spent while roaming a rocky plateau. A colorful representation of its recently launched algorithm that powers the next version bursts forth and transforms the plateau by creating a thick canopy of trees and lights. It proceeds to lead the unicorn, now proudly striding and ablaze thanks to the algo, into an oasis representing Ethereum.

  1. ‘The Tipping Point’ by Binance

Having premiered on the 31st of December 2020, ‘The Tipping Point’ by Binance is a 2-minute blockchain marketing ad that captures quite a lot that has been going on. It starts with a grim mood that highlights protests on injustices, fires caused by climate change, and terrible breaking news regarding the Covid pandemic.

It then proceeds to bill blockchain solutions as the avenues through which the world can be powered past this tipping point. The ad views the tools available in blockchain as capable of overcoming the vicious booms and busts prevailing in today’s world. It offers a strong campaign of blockchain financial solutions to new untapped markets.

  1. ‘It’s Only the Beginning’ by Coinbase

The 30-second crypto marketing campaign ad supporting Coinbase came in a very timely manner. The ‘It’s only the Beginning’ came shortly after Coinbase, which is the US’ largest crypto exchange, had just been listed on Nasdaq.

The ad shows a clear graphical depiction of how Bitcoin has performed over the years. Most of the ad highlights the rapid rise in the value of BTC, also being keen to show the gradual alteration of bear and bull markets. At the end of the ad, more crypto projects’ logos are shown before finally relating all that to Coinbase.

  1. ‘HODL’ by eToro

Marketing ads aren’t always a serious mood affair where some firms are concerned. eToro’s ‘HODL’ ad amazingly infuses comics and messages; no wonder it features on the list.

It starts with a famous actor going through ad offers that he does not feel. All variations involve him carrying oversized objects on his back in the Rockies mountains, which he rejects. After suggesting he should get serious work with an office and a tie, he ends up stuck on a lift, wearing a tie and blocking the passage of 10 people. They’re panicked about a Bitcoin crash while he keeps blocking the exit and saying Hodl. Quite comical yet deeply insightful about staying put and not panic selling in favor of long-term gains.

  1. ‘Not Financial Advice’ by ChangPeng Zhao

The CEO of Binance, ChangPeng Zhao, is quite a lively and engaging user on Twitter, where he goes by the initials CZ. He doesn’t shy away from using wit when passing on a point. His Not Financial Advice post became one of the best blockchain marketing campaigns.

It depicts the evolution of man in three steps, from ape-like beings to modern man. Similarly, each of the three human evolution steps carries some form of currency. It starts with hard currency for the earliest human, moving to credit cards for the medium one and ending with digital currency for the modern man.

The message from the ad is quite straightforward. Digital currencies represent the next evolution of money, and people need to evolve with changing times.

  1. ‘A Private Digital Currency’ by Monero

While cryptocurrencies are famed for their anonymity and privacy, Monero takes it to a new level. It is titled ‘A Private Digital Currency’ explains the blockchain’s privacy concept and the need to retake control of one’s currency.

It starts by highlighting the general lack of surety in the security of records in banks, corporations, and even governments. The one-minute video briefly goes into the details of how one can assure the privacy of their transactions with Monero and escape state and crooks’ oppression. It even highlights that one can control the level of privacy and transparency. The ad is very well structured and straight to the point.

  1. ‘Don’t Get Held Up’ by Blockchain.com.

Blockchain.com’s ‘Don’t Get Held Up’ ad embraces humor and satire to pass a concrete marketing message to its audience. The ad was released shortly after blockchain.com’s PIT exchange launch.

It features bank robbers who appear quite confused and keen to take their victims’ advice. In turn, the bank tellers seem keener to aid the robbers in making sound decisions than reporting their actions. They advise them to trade using PIT to increase their portfolio by more than the money they had robbed. They even explain the challenges they faced with other crypto exchanges. The ad, while witty, passes home the message quite well.

  1. ‘Drop Gold’ by Grayscale

The 39-second long ‘Drop gold’ ad by grayscale pushes the narrative of cryptos aggressively being the future. The ad has a city setting where everyone seems keen to hoard as much gold as possible. It explains the inherent failures of gold as a store of value and advises those in the know to drop their gold and head the crypto way. The ad explains several benefits of switching to crypto in place of gold, all in just 39 seconds.

Author’s Note

All these top blockchain marketing campaigns have several key features that they satisfy. First, they are all short, appreciating that internet users have a fairly short attention span. They all showcase the key selling points of their respective firms or industries. They also use relatable objects to their audience and are launched on time with key events. All these are a compulsory must-have

Some use catchy phrases to appeal to their audience; some announce discounts for more specificity. Some associate their services with more popular products, while others use wit to pass on the message. Contracting one of the top blockchain marketing firms could aid one in satisfying these requirements without a hustle.

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